Friday, 12 December 2008

The Best of 604 on the Interwebs

Miss 604, a local blogger, profiles the Best of 604 Web Awards, held last night at The Cellar, a good little club/bar in downtown Vancouver. If you want the lowdown on the best bloggers in Van City covering everything from local politics to food and photography, check it out.

Photo credit: Raul on Flickr

Safe Software Open House: Tuesday Dec 16

A bunch of us here at the City are heading out to the Open House next week. Should be good to meet up with some old BCIT classmates and see what is going on these days. Last I was there was back in 2005 - a few of us took their intro FME class.

Here's some of Safe's blogs for further reading....

Dale Lutz, The Corporate Blog of Safe Software

The FGE Evangelist, the newletter blog that "delivers insider news, cutting edge examples and the latest functional developments for Safe Software’s FME application."

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

GIS Day 2008 - Back to Blogging

It's been a busy, busy year. Everything from a new job here at the City of Surrey, to getting married, to getting back on track with this blog. Maybe James will let me back on Planet Geospatial if I get more consistent!

Today is GIS Day in North America and I've resolved to try and blog at least once a week. We'll see how it goes (must remember these handy tidbits)....

So.... here's a few things happening in Metro Vancouver around GIS Day 2008.

ESRI Regional User Conference: Vancouver. Note to self: Taking place in Burnaby....?

If you need more info on managing your rasters and mobile GIS solutions, this is good place to get the info.

Ron Lake, of locally based Galdos Systems, has blogged about the Geoweb & eGovernance.

URISA BC will holding their winter one-day conference in January 2009. Topic: GIS Analysis and 3D Modelling. These local URISA seminars are pretty good for meeting fellow GIS'ers in municipal gov't and the projects they've worked on lately.