LOCAL: Sarah Pearce is giving a talk to the Vancouver GIS Users Group, Wednesday, Feb 6 at the BC Hydro Building downtown. Details.
NATIONAL: ESRI Canada has a new catalogue of courses. Check it out, stay on top of new tech.
INTERNATIONAL: The URISA Vanguard Cabinet picked a new set of Young Professionals to add to the ranks. As one of the original five founding members, it's been an illuminating process, and kudos to URISA for getting us YP members more involved in the organization. Best of luck newbies! (Maybe we need an Annual Report like this group!)
GIS Career Advice: Great advice, as usual, from Bill Dollins: Yes, You Need to Code.
Map-Tastic: The London Tube Map, reimagined with curves and circles.
Best Practices: Lifehacker How I Work Series: Jason Pontin & Katie Pomodoros.
Graphic Excellence, with a Vancouver geographic twist. So many high school memories at Broadway & Granville, waiting for the bus to the suburbs.
Viral Video: This is nuts. A 360 pushup? Now that's just showing off now.