Friday, 19 September 2014

Friday Frustrations.....!

God damn it.

Friday pet peeves.

1. People who don't text back within a resonable amount of time, given the weekend is coming fast.
2. Slow networks at works. Slow editing. Not having a ArcInfo license until January 2015.
3. FME connections to SDE databases that used to work before but now don't. Argh.
4. I haven't played ice hockey in weeks.


As you were.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Friday Mediations

Going to try and write down the best links I can find on a regular basis. Kudos to TM's Recently posts ... And special kudos to this: How to be Polite. Good read.


Geohipster: Interview with Jonah Atkins

Kottke: The Precision of Lat/long Coordinates. Short answer: the sixth decimal place is worth up to 0.11 m

Via Gordon Price (@pricetags) & VanCityBuzz, a Vancouver link: The beautiful empty homes of Vancouver

When a colleague stops by my cubicle to ask how our internal Web GIS works... (ht: DBA Reactions)
When an end user stops by the IT cubes

(I'm so new to the job, I barely know the app myself....!)


Run, Walter, Run!


13 Shoes.
Not all of these, maybe the boots at the end of the list, a couple pairs of brogues, and a set of white Vans for casual Fridays.